Cravings motivate me in weird ways. While many people think “I want chocolate” and run to the nearest grocery store to pick up their favorite kind, I think “I want chocolate – how can I make it?” So I looked up a recipe. I found one for both milk and dark chocolate, and I’ve tried making each a couple times now.

The dark chocolate recipe has been going a little better than the milk chocolate. My husband is a dark chocolate fan while my son and I love milk chocolate. Recently it was my husband’s birthday, so I made him not only the chocolate but used it to make homemade peanut butter cups. He loves them – I couldn’t quite squeeze out a dozen, so whenever I see him snacking it seems like has one.

Meanwhile, I struggle with the milk chocolate. It doesn’t seem to be working out the way I want, but that’s not a reason for me to quit. I will eventually find the perfect balance for the best homemade milk chocolate. While I look for it, I’ll enjoy what I have.

What is a recipe you’ve tried? How did it come out? Let’s talk on Facebook!