“The Elevator”

“The Elevator”

My first short story, The Elevator is now available on Kindle Vella! The whole story is up, meaning you can binge the whole thing if you like. For those of my readers who have never used Kindle Vella, it’s pretty easy. Once you have your account, you can start using your tokens to read my work. You’ll be happy to know the first three “episodes” are free, and if it’s your first time using Vella, you get a starting amount of tokens to keep reading.



Hello! I wanted to welcome you all to my new blog. I’m still writing business content, like blogs, website content, and other writing and editing services for companies. This blog will mainly focus now on my fiction writing. For years, I’ve written short stories and some longer content in various fiction genres. It’s a very big leap to take, and my biggest goal is publishing a full-length novel.

With this change, I’ll be focusing on things that aren’t so writing and editing related or full of business talk. I’d also like to hear what you want to know about me. You can contact me via the contact page on this website, or my author Facebook page.