School’s out for summer! At the moment, those are more than just song lyrics. My son finished his junior year of high school the Friday before Memorial Day. So ahead are the lazy days of summer before a thrilling senior year, right?

Not necessarily. He’ll have plenty of time to relax, since school doesn’t start until the third week of August, but there hasn’t been a summer of just doing nothing in a long time. This year, his summer will be full of experiences, some that may be once-in-a-lifetime.

My son’s passion has become broadcast journalism. His school offers an elective class he took the first semester of his sophomore year. He liked it so much, and the teacher recognized his video editing skills early on, and encouraged him to sign up for the class second semester. He did, and was immediately made lead video editor when he walked into class on the first day. He took a break first semester of junior year to take a different elective, but quickly fell into the editing job second semester. His teacher even had him helping to edit the documentary on the school’s basketball team’s journey to the state championship (sadly, they lost the final game). At the end of the year, the finished product was screened for the basketball team and their guests, as well as the broadcast journalism students and their guests. It was a fun time and a huge feather in his cap.

When my mom was scrolling her Facebook feed, a post about the school’s summer camps came up. Out of curiosity, she clicked on it. She then alerted me to the Broadcast Journalism camp that was to be held in early June. When he asked about it, the teacher said it was more for the students interested in starting the class in the fall, not for those already in it. He went on to say he’d want the help of his current students, to which my son enthusiastically offered. The teacher was happy and relieved to hear it, as he says he doesn’t have half of the editing skills my son does. Volunteer hours to count toward his required volunteering for the year may be in store for him, too.

The extra hours will be a blessing, since he’ll be missing out on his usual source – being a counselor at vacation bible school at the church associated with his school. But he’ll be missing out on that for good reason – that once-in-a-lifetime reason I mentioned earlier. He’ll be attending the famed Philmont Scout Ranch Boy Scout camp. He and his fellow Scouts will head out on a 12-day trek through the New Mexico backcountry. It will test all sorts of Scouting skills he’s built up in his 11-year official Scouting career. The big drawback being its the New Mexico desert in mid-July! My son was born and lived the first 14 years of his life in Arizona, so the heat won’t get to him much, but it’s still a factor. Michigan summertime heat and humidity is a different experience from the hot, dry climate of the Southwest, and he’s been out of the environment full time for three years now.

Once he gets home from that, the summer will likely be about finishing up his required reading and getting things together for the beginning of his senior year. We may throw in some college visits here and there in between all this big stuff.

As for myself, my summer plans are fairly simple. Work on my book, help out in my husband’s business, go on a few kayaking trips, and physical therapy for a knee injury.

What are your summer plans? Let’s talk on Facebook!