I’ve always had the dream of writing a novel. That dream is slowly coming throughout the year with an intended debut in early 2025. But dreams take time, and as they say life gets in the way. I’ve had to put the dream off to the side while I work full time to make money to get by. My noveling gets done in the middle of the night and on the weekends. Slowly, over the years, the ideas developed and I’ve finally been in a place where I can execute it properly.

As I said last month, I parted ways with one of my biggest writing clients I’ve ever had. It was a great relationship that lasted many years but changes were on the horizon. I walked away on great terms, and took a breather. I stepped from one job to another fairly easily, and have been able to devote even more time to my novel.

I’ve found more time during the day to get things related to my novel done. I’m in talks with an editor for the next step in making my book ready to present to you all. But old habits die hard. I find I’m most productive between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. I pound out sometimes thousands of words of the novel, edit multiple pages, or write some of these blog posts. All while my family sleeps.

I’m used to the night owl life. I’ve worked multiple jobs on the 10 p.m. – 6 a.m. shift. It’s easy for me. While the rest of the world sleeps, I work.

Others “novel” on the weekends, some during the days, others in whatever moments in time they can snatch, like lunch breaks or in the hour between other activities. However each writer plans their day, they plan it for their schedules and their best times to write.

So while you sleep, I write. While you work, I sleep.

What is your schedule like? Does your creativity come during the daylight hours? Or are you more comfortable sitting with your passion at 3 a.m.?

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