Happy Memorial Day!

There are plenty of blogs and articles out there about the meaning of Memorial Day, so I won’t go into it. Just about everyone knows someone who is a current member or veteran of the armed forces. I don’t think about it much, because it wasn’t something they celebrated about themselves, but both of my grandfathers were veterans. My maternal grandfather was in the Air Force. When he passed, I kept one of the shells from the 21-gun salute at his funeral. It’s packed away at the moment, but I also have his ribbon rack. When looking up what all of them meant, I was surprised. One was even technically awarded by the Army. No one knew why, only that maybe ‘there had been some joint mission’ or something. Then there was the Air Force Commendation medal – with two little stars on the ribbon rack bar, meaning he’d earned it more than once. I don’t know a lot about his service. It wasn’t something he talked about.

My paternal grandfather was in the Navy. I’ve seen pictures of him in his uniform as a young man, but no other items, and no particular stories told. I knew him more for his service as a police officer, and better as the chief of police in one of the suburbs of Lansing, MI. I remember riding in police cars in parades, and seeing him in his police uniform.

Both of these great veterans have passed, and so this holiday is to remember them. I have friends and family who have been or are in the military, nearly all branches. I hold several veterans near to my heart, whom I will remember come November and Veteran’s Day. But this holiday is about remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, whether in the heat of battle, or later from natural causes.

Another thing I celebrate this weekend is my husband. No, he’s not a veteran, but he was born and has lived over 40 years, over 20 of them with me. It’s his birthday. Depending on the way the dates fall, his birthday has been over the weekend, on a Tuesday or Wednesday following Memorial Day, or on Memorial Day. This year it is the latter, so we celebrate double-time. There are a few traditions we have, like I make his favorite meal for dinner and we have his favorite kind of cake. I try to find something new and different as a gift every year, and have one in mind already.

What do you do for Memorial Day? Let’s talk on Facebook!