More About Beta Readers
My debut novel, still due out in the first quarter of next year, has taken another step toward completion. I’ve sent it off to a group of beta readers. What is a beta reader? They are the next set of eyes that read through the story after it’s been written and self-edited. They help me identify plot holes, pacing issues, loose ends, and help give me direction on how to make things better.
Each reader looks at my work with their own readers’ eyes. This is not necessarily a technical or mechanical review. If they had trouble with a section, felt bored or confused at any point, I want to know. I won’t necessarily apply all of their feedback, since I’m working with several different people, each with their own point of view. The thing they do all have in common is that they love reading books in my genre. They’ll be able to tell if something just isn’t quite right.
For me, it’s a nail-biting process. I found these readers in mid-October and have given them until the end of November to read and provide their feedback. I don’t want to rush anyone, but I also don’t want to wait too long before I can take it to the next step. I haven’t let many people or at least many people I know look at my work. I have had a few trusted people to bounce ideas off of and they’ve read various parts, but no one has ever read it start to finish. Not even my parents or my husband.
What do I do while the beta readers have this book? Start another! I’m currently working on the outline for my next novel. It keeps my mind off of something I have no control over and will keep my creativity flowing. No, you can’t have details about this one yet (mainly because it’s still in the outline phase).
What will happen after the beta readers report back to me? I’ll fearfully open their email or document to read their comments, hoping none of them tore it to shreds and hated it. I think that’s my greatest fear. But aside from that, I’ll read and take all of their comments and opinions into consideration. I’ll apply the ones that make sense and help make the story better. Any comment or feedback is appreciated, but I can’t necessarily use it all. Some of it may overlap, and that’s a good thing. If more than one or two people have issues with the same thing, that thing will definitely get attention.
Have you ever beta read for someone? How did you like the process/experience? Was the book in your favorite genre or were you trying something new?