


Time is made up of deadlines. I’ve been contracting with a company to write blogs and website content. I have an online spreadsheet of the copy to work on and when it’s due – the deadline. Even when you’re in school, the due date of an assignment is a deadline. If you...

Summer Plans

Summer Plans

School’s out for summer! At the moment, those are more than just song lyrics. My son finished his junior year of high school the Friday before Memorial Day. So ahead are the lazy days of summer before a thrilling senior year, right? Not necessarily. He’ll have plenty...

I Have a Senior!

I Have a Senior!

I have a senior! There’s nothing more that makes me feel old than my son passing a milestone. “I can’t be old enough to have a kid that’s had (Major Milestone)!” He’s 17. Which means he’s turned 16 and gotten a driver’s license. He recently got a letter in the mail...

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day! There are plenty of blogs and articles out there about the meaning of Memorial Day, so I won’t go into it. Just about everyone knows someone who is a current member or veteran of the armed forces. I don’t think about it much, because it wasn’t...

Why We Need Creatives

Why We Need Creatives

And Creative Crossover You Might Not Have Thought Of I’ve been wanting to address this topic for a while. This may be more of a rant than a post, and I apologize in advance. Ever since I joined a Facebook group for college parents, it’s been on my mind. My son is a...

Welcome to Wednesdays

Welcome to Wednesdays

Life can get crazy, and things can slip through the cracks. Like blog posts. I get deep into work or other obligations, and writing a weekly blog post ends up being the last thing on my mind. Until about 11:45 p.m. of the day I intended the blog to appear. Tuesdays...