We’ve been gearing up for this school year. It’s my son’s senior year, and high school graduation. The culmination and reward of 13 years of schooling. I’ve been looking through all of his “first day of ____ grade” pictures. He’s gone from a scared, teary-eyed 5-year-old who didn’t want to leave his parents to a confident 17-year-old who gets up, showered, dressed, and out the door all on his own.

We spent the summer touring colleges, examining each with a critical eye for the things he’s looking for a in a school. We’ll continue to tour through the fall, and hopefully be able to sit in on a class, or observe current students in their natural habitats. That can’t be done during the summer. He doesn’t seem worried about the college experience as much as he does about being comfortable with his choice. He started out dreaming of going to Arizona State University, as it would take him back home where he grew up and still has dozens of friends. When his dad and I were growing up and in school, if you moved away, you lost touch with the those friends, most likely forever. With computers, texting, social media, and all the other ways we connect, he never lost track of any of his friends.

But these summer college tours have opened his eyes to the potential of Michigan’s schools, where we currently live. He’s found one in particular he’s growing to love every time he visits for another admissions event. He’s considering more, and different majors. He’s opening up to possibilities.

While we’re less than a week into his senior year, with much more to come, I see how the work of the previous 12 years has paid off. It’s a year of change, that will be followed by many more.