Beta Readers Follow Up
I’ve learned a lot over the past year. I’ve learned that yes, I can finish a novel. Yes, I can have it prepared and polished enough to present to others outside my closest circle of friends for reading. Not that it’s not scary to do so.
I always figured with my writing and editing skills, honed over more than 20 years, I wouldn’t need the help of beta readers. I could skip the step and send it straight to an editor. How much I was wrong. I took a little detour and rescheduled my release date in order to include this significant step. I have a severe case of Impostor Syndrome, and it’s very difficult to release my work out into the wild, so to speak.
But I held my breath and bit the bullet. I first went to my author Facebook page to see if any of my followers were ready to experience my work in full for the first time. I then went to my personal page. I got more hits on my personal page, with friends and family promising to read like readers and not like people who know me. I then turned to a Facebook writing group I’m part of. I got a couple more hits, and once I felt like I had a strong number and variety of opinions, I sent it off. Along with a list of questions I have for myself.
Well, responses have begun to roll in. One family member actually had it read and responded to within a week! I hoped they didn’t speed through it and offer little opinion, but I was wrong. She had intelligent feedback and questions. Others finished it just before the Thanksgiving holiday, and I received their responses at the beginning of December. I’m still waiting on a couple, as their very in-depth dissection of my story is taking a while to put into words, apparently. I’m not sure whether to be exited they have taken the job so seriously, or afraid they’ve ripped it to shreds. Either way, I have a feeling their feedback will be a big help.
Once everyone has emailed me their thoughts and opinions, it’ll be time to get down to business. I realize now there are plot holes to be filled, unresolved story lines, and more that I just can’t see as the writer who has lived with and in this story for more than a year.
Whatever the outcome, I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
Have you ever asked someone for their detailed, unfiltered feedback? How’d that go? Were you devastated or encouraged to finish strong?
Let’s talk on Facebook!