
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope your night is full of ghoulish fun and lots of treats! Halloween isn’t the commercialized Halloween of today. It has a long and storied history, dating back over 2,000 years. It was derived from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain...

Not Just a Stage Play But the End of a Chapter

Not Just a Stage Play But the End of a Chapter

I've written a lot about how it's my son's senior year of high school. There have been firsts - filling out his first college application to getting that first college acceptance. But the firsts will undoubtedly outshine the lasts. Like his last fall stage show. But...

Character Takeover: Brad

Character Takeover: Brad

I don’t know what anyone is going to get out of me writing this blog. I’m just a stay at home dad who loves his son. He’s a teenager, so of course he’s bound to do some stupid things now and again. He and his best friend Jay, who is like another son to me, recently...

Midnight Splash in the Hands of Beta Readers

Midnight Splash in the Hands of Beta Readers

There's been an exciting development in the journey of my debut novel's publication. Yesterday, after a few days of looking for the right people, I passed my book on to a group of beta readers. These are people who read my book with a reader's eye. The read as a...

I’m on Substack

I’m on Substack

I’d like to give you a short reminder. At the end of last year I took part in a “fresh start” seminar for my writing. I did a deeper dive with the the seminar’s host and came up with a list of things I could do to further my writing. Expanding my social media reach,...

College Journey: Application Season

College Journey: Application Season

Our life is being taken over by our senior son’s college application process. I don’t remember much about my own over 20 years ago, but for some reason I feel like it wasn’t this involved. Times change. His school started getting them familiar with the process late...