Last High School Show
As I talked about last week, this year is my son’s senior year and is full of “lasts.” One of these lasts is coming up. Starting with the spring show of his freshman year, my son has been part of his school’s theater program. This will be his seventh and final show –...
Winter Break
It’s my son’s senior year, which means there are a lot of “lasts.” Last week was his last “winter break” of high school. You may think “winter break was in December and January!” His private Catholic high school calls the December/January break “Christmas Break.” In...
Character Takeover: Harry Finn
I’m a bar owner, not a writer. The most I do is write emails to suppliers who won’t deliver when they promise. I looked, and some of the people who have taken over this blog have talked about themselves, their worries and doubts, and whatever. Pam talked about how she...
Happy Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day! Many people will be celebrating romantic love today. That’s not the only kind of love to celebrate today. I could delve into the history and lore of Valentine’s Day, but that’s been done way too much in my opinion. You can look up those facts...
New: Paid Subscriber Content on Substack
Welcome to the next step of my social media presence! It’s not this blog, as this blog has been around in some form or other since at least 2011. I have a Facebook page that I try to keep up with, mostly posting links to the latest blog post on this website. I have an...
Learning As I Go
I’m part of an online writers’ community that, without them, I don’t think I’d be anticipating the release of my first novel soon. They’ve pushed me to make a schedule and (mostly) stick to it. Of course, life gets in the way sometimes and I fell behind. That’s part...